- Mulch Pricing
Let us provide for your mulching needs In Chandler, Huntingburg, Evansville, IN, Owensboro KY, & Vandalia, IL
- Mulch Pricing
Let us provide for your mulching needs In Chandler, Huntingburg, Evansville, IN, Owensboro KY, & Vandalia, IL
Brewer Farms Inc.
A family owned, environmentally responsible company dedicated to helping the community.
Bulk Mulch
- Dyed Hardwood: Black, Dark Brown, Chocolate Brown, Red $40.00
- Cypress (Cinnamon) $45.00
- Cedar $45.00
- Natural Hardwood $35.00
- Playground Chips $40.00
- Animal Bedding/Saw Dust $25.00
- Compost or Top Soil $50.00
Sq Ft X Depth in inches = Divided by 324 = cubic yards needed
No Truck? No Problem! We Deliver!
- $50 Delivery Fee (Most locations)
*All prices per cubic yard, prices are subject to change*
*Ask us about semi load pricing and availability*

Brewer Farms Inc.
A family owned, environmentally responsible company dedicated to helping the community.
Bulk Mulch
- Dyed Hardwood $40.00
Black, Dark Brown, Chocolate Brown, Red - Cypress (Cinnamon) $45.00
- Cedar $45.00
- Natural Hardwood $35.00
- Playground Chips $40.00
- Animal Bedding/saw Dust $25.00
- Compost or Top Soil $50.00
Sq Ft X Depth in inches = Divided by 324 = cubic yards needed
No Truck? No Problem! We Deliver!
- $50 Delivery Fee (Most locations)
*All prices per cubic yard Prices are subject to change*
Ask us about semi load pricing and availability